Some famous person once said that you can read the story just
by looking at the pictures presented to you.
Well, I’m going to present you the pictures of one experience
with a few captions to tell some of the story of the adventure.
Hope you enjoy this adventure as much as I did. It made the
cost of admission worth it.
The place: One of the adult video arcades in the capital city.
The glory hOle…
The cock…
The greetings…
The service of making love to the cock…
The Happy Cock…
The fucking…
The reward…
The movie playing while all this was happening.
your thoughts and comments are always welcumed.Please post them below in the comments section
keep them cocks a cumming and the world will be a better place.
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Hey Stud, let me know what you think of my post.
I hope it made your cock rock hard and you blew one hell of a load.....